What Ever Happened to the Truth?

We are living in a day where popular public figures and politicians get away with blatantly lying to millions of people at a time on world wide television. There is a truth crisis in America and it is affecting the spiritual fabric of the entire country. In this...

Your Mind Is Satan’s Target!

Everyone has a moment when they realize for the first time that spiritual warfare is 100% real, and that what they’ve been taught in church all their life is not the whole truth. When the blinders finally come off and Christians realize what Satan can actually...

Getting Your Mind Ready For What’s Coming

On Friday August 21 and Monday August 24 the US stock market lost over 1000 points. This stock market “correction” as some are calling it is likely only the beginning of financial troubles for our world. All hell is in the process of being unleashed upon...

The Church Is Starving For Sound Doctrine

Unfortunately, most churches are systematically starving Christians with doctrine that is not sound. This teaching by Minister Rick Bell is timely and powerful, and needs to be heard by anyone and everyone who is serious about being a follower of Jesus Christ. Most...